Tuesday, May 20, 2008

LAST post

summary-the end of the book was great. so bridgete and danile have got a relationship oh yeah its not just a work fling. they travel together and date. b gets annoyed that danile is random and doesnt always follow through with plans. she tells her self that shell never do stuff with him again but eventualy ends up doing it. She also has awkward encounters with mark darcy. remmeber from unas curry buffet thing!?!? yeah that guy!!!!! Remember how brigetes mom and pops were having issues and she was running off with that tall dark and handsom man?? well yup there is a new one. his name is JULIO. hes young and sexay. but ultimately she learns that a young boy is not what she wants and she really just needs to focus on her careeer. b and danile spend alot of time together. one day she suprises him at his home and what does he find but a nude american woman. well that relationship ended. so shen she focuses on her career and ultimately nds up with awkward MARC DARCY.


Friday, May 16, 2008


summer is almost here.
its time to start cheer
kids are playing in the grass
i caught a nice big mouth bass
this summer i will be a nanny
i wont be sitting on my fanny
i have three jobs and i make cash
ill be throwing a big summer bash
the beach will be nice with all the sand.
me and annie shanaywater will hold hands.
i will go to cheer camp.
oooh yeah i like lamp.
fourth of july lets have fun.
annie shanaywater likes to run.
fireworks and flags.
kids running around putting candy in bags.
at practice we will tumble and stunt
ill go on a shopping scavanger hunt
there will be cheer sleepovers where we wont sleep
the next morning new secrets to keep
carwashes will be silly
annie shanaywater likes a boy named willy
will be out tanning in the sun
i cant wait for summer it will be so fun=)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

week 5

post a-In this section of the book bridgete keeps up her insecive flirting with her boss danile. After the holdiay season british feels remorce about the food she has consumed at una alconburys curry fest. when valentines day rolls around bridget is worried that she will have no valentine, when suddenly a mysterious card appears at her aparments. for afew days she waits to see if the prissy lady next door claims it. when she opens it she see it was from danile. oh i forgot to mention they went on aDATe yes. and they ehhem. so bridget is pleased with that. i think that would be sooo awkward, i menai ts he rbossbut hey if it makes you happy. also her parents are having conflict, when bridgete sees her mom at the mall with a mysterious young we man she decides to investigate. she talks to both her parents separatley and then meets with both of them and figures out that her mom is skanking it up all over the place! how rude. so basicaly this section wraps it up wityh danile and bridget having a fling and her parents in shambles.

post b- culturaly im finding a few differnes, in the way the text is writen. They say mother and father where as americans usualy say mom or dad or call their parents by there plutonic names. They usualy start sentences with a noun or verb went to the store, or tea part was nightmare. stuff like that. a lot of sentences start with just can. also they say bloddy, or awful whereas americans would say something sucked. Brim is another word for think. sentences also avoid say I so am so great is very exceptable

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

week 3 posts

I switched books. Now my world culturally inclusive outside reading choice is Bridgette Jones Diary about a 30 something in London working in the publishing biz. In this first part of the book we see distinct differences from British culture and Americans. Firstly the language is different- cigarettes are called fags, very can be said as bloody, and ite/ate is added on to words to make them adjectives. In British culture it seems that women are expected to be married by the time they are in their thirties where as in America it is perfectly normal for a business women to be single up into her forties or beyond. Also it seems that their may be a different attitude in the work place. The bosses (the ugly p name) seem to run a tighter shift where as American bosses are more flexible. On the contrary Bridgette’s flirty relationship with her boss Daniel in this section of the book, would be a huge scandal in an American corporation

I am really really enjoying this book. I decided that the kite runner was not very good. It was bland and I didn’t really enjoy the writing style. I however adore this book already( im only on page 40!) I love books that are first person and in a diary format, it helps you to jump into the characters life and get inside their head. I’ve seen the movie and I thought they were bloody hilarious. ( hah bloody brit joke) Instantly were able to relate to her feelings about the holiday season and the weight you put on. Who hasn’t been there. I also really like how she begins each entry-her weight, her alcohol consumption, how many cigarettes she’s had and her overall calories. Later on like on page l36 she starts saying how many positive and negative thoughts she’s had. Its also funny because she is so blunt and her family and events are just hilarious so far this book is great