Wednesday, December 19, 2007


The reason she wasnt feeling so hot was because she had gone to new richmond which she thought was going to be days bottom. She was so excited to go to the big city and sell walnuts with grandpap. She even bought candy and a gold bracelet for mom. BUt then tradgedy strikes when the dumb girl drops the bracelet and breaks it. She had thoyght that days bottom would be a magical place where she would be reunited with her dead dad. Nonw of these things happen in new richmond and she is left upset and disapointed. Itr was nothing shew had excpected nor wanted she was sad and in dismay.

post a

gallivanting-(141) 1 To roam about in search of pleasure or amusement. See Synonyms at wander

a current at variance with the main current in a stream of liquid or gas, esp. one having a rotary or whirling motion

"They eddied around me like i was a rock in the creek." (145) This is an example of a metaphor because its comparing her feelings of being surronded by strangers to a rock being rotated around in a stream.

"I felt as ragged as the stubbly feilds..." (146) This is an exampel of a similie. Its comparing two unlikely things. Its comparing her feelings to a stubbly feild. we can guess that durring this part she was not feeling top notch.

The reason she wasnt feeling so hot was because she had gone to new richmond which she thought was going to be days bottom. She was so excited to go to the big city and sell walnuts with grandpap. She even bought candy and a gold bracelet for mom. BUt then tradgedy strikes when the dumb girl drops the bracelet and breaks it. The tone of this part of the book is extreme sadness and loss.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007



post a

holler (112)-One feature of Upper Southern English and specifically of Appalachian English is its pronunciation of the final unstressed syllable in words such as hollow, window, and potato as (ər). Holler, winder, and tater are merely variant pronunciations reflected in spelling. As a noun, holler has the specific meaning in the Appalachians of "a small valley between mountains": They live up in the holler underneath Big Bald Mountain.

hereafter (120)- after this in time or order; at some future time; farther along.

"Motels had sprouted liked toadstools after a rainstorm..." (113) This is an example of a metaphor. the reason i chose this metaohor is because i like how it talks about toad stools and the common subject of motels. For me its hard to imagine not driving down 394 and not seeing half a dozen motels/ hotels.

"...worrying her fingernails like a string of Job's tears." (114) This is an example of a metaphor. The reason i like this sentence is because i like how it compares to a bible refrence. It shows the time period where people could whip out a metaphor talking about the bible effortlessly.

"Tears burned my eyes like i was peeling ramps." (119) this is another metaphor. Its a good exampe because she is so sad that it reminds her of peelinga spicy vegetable that made her cry. so somber!


"I could tell she never hulled a lima with her pretty gloved hands. I craved to be like her." (107) This is a good quote to sum up this part. Basicaly shes going through a rough time and has just discovered her familys finanacial distress. she just wishes to be a normal rich girl!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


my response to this chapter. This was a good chapter. i liked the chapter on meat and salt.What bothers me is the grandpas distance in this chapter he just isnt there for jane as he is in other chapters. my moms making me get off now but il wqrite later bye


a plain-woven cotton cloth printed with a figured pattern, usually on one side.
2. British. plain white cotton cloth.

1. a pendent ornament consisting commonly of a bunch of threads, sm

"my heart felt funny like a rubber ball." This is a thing because she is comparing her heart to a round rubber ball. Her heart is bouncy and full of life or dommed to failure. and feeling heavy.she is sad.

"i loved her like a meat loves salt." This is a metaphor because she is comparing her love for her mother with her love for meats and salts. This is an interesting comparisson because this woman is comparring meet and love.

"Mama and i both felt rough as a corncob." This is a similie. They felt rough and sad. Corn is a sad thing. Poor sad rough corn.

"Jane ery youre going the wrong the way." I feel connected to this quote.i took a wrong turn and i am going the wrong way.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


A thoughtful respone to these pages by kara marell. First and foremost id have to say that the book is improving a little but a little is better than none. In this section they make ice cream! YUM! I love how the book gives all these pointless details nad long wordy methaphors to bedazzle our minds away. Secondly more and more am i finding myself annoyed to death of the mother. she is so naggy and all she does is boss her poor poor daughter around. Not only is she asking of chores from a small child but she also ask them of an elderly man. Hmm i smell a lawsuit. They also continue to search for the fictional days bottom. I wonder if day is a person. are they searching for his bottom? Im pretty sure we could find that easily. Sorry dont mind my mouth..i joke. I still love grandpa. He reminds me of that creepy old uncle who drinks one too many at the family functions and then mouths off and hits on the wait staff. oh to be old. Well thats all for this week tootaloo.

post a

yar·row /ˈyæroʊ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[yar-oh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a composite plant, Achillea millefolium, of Eurasia, having fernlike leaves and flat-topped clusters of whitish flowers, naturalized in North America.

Dasher-a kind of plunger with paddles at one end, for stirring and mixing liquids or semisolids in a churn, ice-cream freezer, or the like.

"These little seeds have a secret."(p.57) This is a good example of personinifacation. Seeds cannnot have secrets but this female is implyign thAt there is something that lies within-life.

"The wind filled them like sails on a ship." This is a great example of what we call a metaphor. Its comparing how the seeds fly and catch the wind with how the sails on a boat catch the wind and make them move.

"Sadness and worry clung to her like a wet rag." This is another example of a metaphor. Shes comparing the sagginess of sadness to the sag of a nice sloppy wet rag.

"Instead of wondering where it might be he should have looked for it more."

Monday, November 19, 2007


Dear Candice Ransom-
First of all Ms. Ransom i would like to comend you on your great cover model. You couldntve chosen a more attractive, intelegent, spirited and witty female. Secondly i am enjoying your book? the story line is decent. I could however live without the constant molasses metaphors every two seconds. Thanks dear. I dont like how the chracaters speak, Yeah, i understand there in the south, but that doesnt mean broken english all the time. I cant even understand half the words they are speaking. I like the grandpa he is a sassy little devil. The mom annoys me. Shes too naggy and i wanna smack her across the face. well thats about it i need to fill space so i really like juicy purfume it smells delightful. i ate a piece of cake tonight that was bigger than my head. GOOD GOD!

post a

Traipse(p.37)–verb (used without object)
1. to walk or go aimlessly or idly or without finding or reaching one's goal: We traipsed all over town looking for a copy of the book.

Tamped(p.40)-tr.v. tamped, tamp·ing, tamps

1. To pack down tightly by a succession of blows or taps.

"people swamrmed up the hill like ants in a puddle of molasses."This is an exacmple of a metaphor. What the author is doing is comparing the rush of people to the fair to the ants who stuck in the tasty moslasses treat.

"Her voice was sticky as warm molasses." This is an example of a Similie. The author is showing that the women had a deep rich sultury maybe even a seductive voice.

"His tomatoe plants stood up taller when he walked by." This is an example of personification. Plants cant grown taller when there farmer walks by. Thats just foolish thinking.

A theme that is emerging is cope.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

post b

This is my response to the first thirty pages of this lovely book. Now i will begin to tell you in great detail and in exactly two hundered and fifty words what the beggining of this book is about. The book is set in the south, my guess is texas. It's a rural town and its probably the late 1800s into the early 1900s. The story opens with a young girl and her family. They are dealing with the sudden loss of her father. The young girls grandfather steps up and moves into the home to become a father like figure to the children and to help the struggling mother out.BUt theres a conflict!!! the mother and the grandfather tend to get into fights and argue all the time about seemingly stupid things! This causes tension to flare. So far this book is really fun full of all sorts of twists and turns. [NOT] So far they've made grits and bacon and described it in too much detail and now are sulking and discussing some herbage. sounds like a great time.
kara out.

post a

parched-(p.11) v. 2.
3. To dry or roast (corn, for example) by exposing to heat.

Poplar-(p.25) n.any of the rapidly growing, salicaceous trees of the genus Populus, usually characterized by the columnar or spirelike manner of growth of its branches.

"My legs felt like poplar branches." This is an example of a metaphor because she is comparing her legs to tree branches. This means she mustve been feeling weighted down and just all over heavy.

"But sunshine and shadow played tag."This is an example of persoification. Obviously neither sunshine nor shadows can play tag. I think it means that both run from eachother. Its personification because its giving a human characteristic to a non living idea.

"Winter with its greys and browns,hung on like an old hurt." This is an example of a metaphor because it is comparing winter hanging on too long like pain of a loss. It may also be trying to show how the family deals with loss of the father.

"He taught me to pay attention before dark green laurel, honeysuckle, and wisteria chased the gold away." (p.21) I like this quote because it shows how the speaker feels about her father. Now that he is gone she enjoys remeniscing on the things he taught her and what they did together.

An emerging theme that i see i grief.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

post a please

paradox- 1. a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.

symbiosis-lationship between two people in which each person is dependent upon and receives reinforcement, whether beneficial or detrimental, from the other.

"Rather than looking at eating disorders as infantile desire to return to an ex utero symbiosis with the mother its important to note [...]" (p.135) This is important because it shows the aspect of looking back on that all memoirs include. She is reflecting on what she has learned in the future and is noting (pointing out to the reader) something new)

"I did not intend to stopI was not testing the limits[...]" I chose this as an appeal because it shows the denial that one with an addiction may go through . She has been so addictedto her bulimia nad anorexia that she doesnt see it as a problme. The disorder to her is a safety blanket.

[...]There was a desire to throw in the towel at an early age." This shows the harsh realities of an addiction she has been in it so long shes ready to give up and die to b e thing. thats a huge thing to say and very powerful.


"Right down the hall from me lies certainty, comfort but its a comfort that i cannot have anymore." (talking about the bathroom) This is a reflection from her now. She easliy could go to the bathroom every day and vomit but she miuststop herself and be like rewind this is not good. She has to tell herself that the bathroom will lead to death.

post B

This book is absolutely fantastic. I love it so much. The author is so down to earth and relateable you feel like your just chilling with her talking at caribou. Its a delightful book to read and i would sugest all people read it.

i hope this counts as a post because i have about 15 minutes before i need to leave and go to cheer

Tuesday, October 16, 2007



post a

Appendage(108)-n. an adjunct to something larger or more important
Entity(109)-n. something that has separate and distinct existence and objective or conceptual reality

“Of course I didn’t know then that I had all the obvious signs of having an eating disorder: strange combinations of food, eating other people’s leftovers, skipping meals.”(107) This quose signifaicant because the girl is eating other peoples dang leftovers thats so gross and she is in such despareate time. ~~
“Later in the year, there will be a few girls who defect: We’re all just getting way too obsessed, she’ll, nibbling her apple,”(106) I'm feeling her in this quote bcause havent we all been there! comone i have been for sure, sometimes it seems that all hope is gone but you can have faith that everythings a mess.
~~“Up to that point, the bulimia had had a life of its own. It was purely an emotional response to the world –under pressere, binge and purge; sad and lonely, binge and purge; feeling hungry, binge and purge- and actually had little to do, believe it or not, with a desire to lose weight.”(108) Marya had no control over her bulimia or eating disorder at all before this point in the novel where she started to take a terrible turn to anorexia. This is an emotional appeal because it shows how Marya was feeling and how she started to lose totally control of her addiction.

“When a study was done on a group of young, healthy men whose caloric intake was cut to just under a thousand calories, they began … to purge, and –interestingly enough-they became incredibly worried about their weight, the shape of their bodies, and began to diet.”(122) This is anmportant quote because it shows the fact that an eating disorder can happen to anyone! For real!!!!!It is not something that can be just thrown on some mokey for real you gotta now your tuff.

Monday, October 15, 2007



The movie 400 Blows, written, directed and produced by Francois Truffaut in 1959 is about a rebellious teen Antoine. The film is effective because it tells a true story of the director’s life as a young teen filled to the brim with angst and rebellion. I really enjoyed this movie. Maybe because I felt that I could relate to the main character. I have certainly felt the need to rebel against my parents, but I haven’t gone as far as young Antoine did. I also know that my parents sometimes struggle with what to do with me but they have not gone as far as threatening to disown me! That’s nutty! I think it was a good film because it was just real and down to earth with the viewer. I felt like I was there in Renee’s room being bad along side Antoine, or that I was running for freedom from that terrible center. This movie was oh so effective.
The point of view of this movie is that of young teen and the rebellious antics that he goes through. It’s a lot more relatable when the story is coming from a teen rather than from the parents. Plus it is so much more fun to see him run around and get into trouble. The main theme of this film is rebellion. They use symbolism through out this classic film. I found that the biggest symbol was at the end, that famous running scene. He runs slowly and for a very long time. I think that this is symbolic because with every step he is getting rid of all the bad in his life. He runs for such a long duration because he has so much to get away from and so much that’s coming,
The actors were cast perfectly. The woman who plays the mom does a great job of being cold hearted and distant. She knows how to give the good facials and just look so angry like an angry mom. The dad reminds me of a pretty typical father. He acts a great goofy dad but he also shows his anger and disapproval it makes it feel so real. They also have an actual young rebellious kid play Antoine. The costumes were fantastic. The mom is dressed nicely with good makeup whereas the boys in the family are dressed in utter shambles. Maybe she’s a little self-centered? Hmm. The lighting also plays a huge role in the way we feel during a movie. In the home where he is most unhappy it is an unsettling darkness. But outside where he is free its bright and sunny,
In the movie there are a lot of wide angles and the camera does a lot of panning and following the actors around. Using these techniques helps us the viewer’s feel as if we are actually there and participating. The sound is the same throughout the movie. It is a light tune played with nice instruments probably violins, flutes and maybe a clarinet thrown in the mix. It makes the viewer feel excited/anxious/ happy all at once.
Both ‘Black Boy” and ‘400 blows’ deal with rebellion cause by a poor situation. In Black Boy Richard Is in a more oppressive situation plus it is cultural. Antoine is rebelling because he doesn’t like his parents or their rules. They both run off for completely different reasons. Richard has a plan and ambitions while Antoine’s goal is to make it to water. Way to strive for the best Antoine.
Yes Yes! I would definitely recommend seeing this film. I had never watched a movie in French and this was a great first choice. Its funny and light but at the same time dark and upsetting. The literary aspects that Trtuffaut uses bring the film together as one incredible masterpiece.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

post b

1)REbellion-Throughout this section of the book Marya begans to rebel alot. She gets involved in drugs and drinking nad being skethcy. The people that she surrounds herself with during middle school are nice kids but she choses to hang out with random guys from differnet cities. During this part of the book Marya's friend notices the changes and the changes in her apperance. She is not shcked or scared she is happy. happy that all of her 'hard work' was paying off. She said that maybe she could hang on the edge of death but not go in.

2)Addiction-In this section of the book Marya has many addictions. Marya is addicted to her eating discorder and she is also addicteed to drugs and sexual attention. Marya does these things just as you or i would have our daily routine of showering and eating breakfast

3} the last theme that we see in this section is again back to the theme of control. Mayas addictions to bulimia and drugs along with her need for attetion show how she needs control. When marya binges and the throws up she feels that shes in control. Everything around her is in 'shambles' but she has this secret that can make her feel better and keep her in control of the situation.

Main Entry: ascetism
Part of Speech: n
Definition: asceticism; the condition or practice of self-denial "The sainted anoretics who in their holy acetism , insisted that god was telling them to starve." ( p. 86)

1. Psychiatry. sexual gratification gained through causing pain or degradation to others. Compare masochism.

"The isnomnia gives rise to mania, a racing of thoughts and sadiscially vivid images [...]"(p 87)

ber·serk [ber-surk, -zurk] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. violently or destructively frenzied; wild; crazed; deranged: He suddenly went berserk.
"[...] power over a world gone bersrk." (85)

" I wanted to cut my ties to where id been and who i was and make up someone new" (p 85)
i like this quote because before she talks about edina and she was talking about getting out and leaving and people thinking shes skinny and pretty. I understand where shes coming from. I know that where we live there is a lot of preassure to look great and that means being thin.

So in this section of the book Maryas diseases worsen as she sucked into the bad side and has to go to the hospital and is on drugs.

post a

A poem about the book by kara marell

The heorine running through her veins
Adreniline in her blood
Fill the body up
NOw let it go
Your in control
Mirrors dont lie but they all do

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

post b my bad

Purging: (v) to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify (p 42).
Tandem: (adverb) one following or behind the other: to drive horses tandem (p 51).


1) One of the appeals in this section of the book is the puberty. Marya begins to got through it and it really triggers the eating disorder. As she compares herself to the smaller girls she feels more and more less like everyone else, and she feels that in her community this is un exceptable. "Becoming a woman means becoming someone dissociated from, and spitefultoward her body. Someone who finds herself always wanting." (p 52).

2) Another appeal is the idea of control and how the disorder did this. The bulimia goes in tandem with the develpoment and by the time the author is 11 she fit the criteria for a bulimic. In previous sections she talks about control but in this section we see by how much it is in control. "My bulimia developed in tandem with my body [...] By the time i was eleven , I met th full diagnostic for bulimia nervosa." (p 51).

3) Again we see the appeal of hunger. Now that the author is getting older, she has differnet hungers. Apparently physical hunger directly relates to appetite hunger. Now that she looks differnent then everyone she feels it too. It makes the author very uncomfortable. "I shrank back from my body as if it were going to devour me." (p 53).


1) " [...] Begin to emulate older women in their lives. [...] keeping their weight down." (p 52). I like this quote because i think it is so true. As a little girl the thing you want most is to be just like your mom or any older women that you look up to. When the author talks about puberty its easier to see how a eating disorder could develop with a mom like she has.

2) "All my life my parents had acted as if childhood should be a state of constantly getting older, When i finaly and irrevorcably began to in fact be older theirs was on that i read as disgust." (p 58). I like this quote because Its also true about life. When your little all your parents can talk about is you gettin older, then once you get there they want you to go back or are dissapointed at how it all turned out.

3) "I would go through the perfunctory motions: washing dishes, going into the bathroom, puking. In the bedroom id stare at the mirror." (p 59). I like this quote alot because she talks about it as if its just something to accomplish like doing chores or washing the dishes.

the theme of this section of the book is again hunger. Marya is hungry for attention, food and to look like everyone else. She is hungry for a sense of normality.

Monday, October 1, 2007

outside reading blog a

In this section of the book Marya moves to Edina and begins puberty. This is a really critical time for her because her body starts to change and fill out before all of her other friends, therefore she seems 'fat' compared to them. At 8 Marya begins to expirement sexually. This counteracts what doctors say about people with an eating disorder that they are afraid of it. Arounf this time in the book is when Marya first throws up leading to her bulimia. She describes it as a secret a secret that will keep her feeling in control. "I had a secret. It was a guilty secret, certainly. But it was my secret. Ihad something to hold on to. It was company. It kept me calm. It filled me up and empited me out." (p 43). She goes through more of the mirror phase and is sucked into teen magazines whihc make her feel even worse.

oops my post from last week

Prepubescent(9)-adjective of or pertaining to the years immediately preceding puberty, prepubertal.
Anorectic(20)- noun a person who has Anorexia Nervosa.

1) “Some people who are obsessed with food become gourmet chefs. Others get eating disorders” (p.13) I like how Marya talks about her eating disorder as an obsession and not just a disease. She also talks very bluntly and I like the comparison in this quote.
2) “ ‘Mirror phases’ essential describes my life.” (p.15) Before this quote she was talking about children development and how must young kids go through a stage of being obsessed with looking at them in the mirror. That is Marya’s entire life.
3) “Hungry was the same as lonely and not hungry was the same as scared.” (p.27) I can tie this quote into the book black boy. Themes in both of the books are hunger. While both are different forms of hunger they share that. Marya’s hunger for food and to feel better, while Richard hungers from knowledge.

1) “Food was a problem in my family…my mother was a former-or was it closet?-bulimic with strange eating habits.” A problem that she faces through and up to the point that I have reached are her families contributions to her disease. With a dad who shovels his face and a bulimic mother its easy to see where her tendencies came from. Also her parents used food as love and as war against each other.
2) “ And then pinched myself hard, telling myself to quite being a baby. Crybaby. I thought. Fat little pig” Another reason for the disorder is Marya’s constant critics of herself. This quote is from when she was just 5 year-old. During this scene in the book, Marya is again in that terrible mirror stage, She’s looking at herself and is disgusted by what she sees.
3) Emotionally the disease takes control of you and you begin to associate food with emotions. In this quote we see that theme. “No answer. Run to the kitchen, open the fridge, look for something to eat. Fast. Before you have time to get sad.”

Right now in the book I would have to say that the themes are hunger, loss and family. She is hungry for her family and hungry for food. The loss of her family life is traumatic even though they have supposedly gotten back together ( I think that will be short) .Her family is not entirely to blame for the disorder but I would say they are a large factor.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

outside reading 1

Dear Marya,
I have only just begun your memoir, Wasted- A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia, and I cannot put it down! I was amazed to know how young you were when you started having thoughts about your body. At five years old you talk about being on a diet. In this quote your family is sitting at a typical dinner and as with most young kids they are encouraging them to eat- "a few more bite. Two more she says. Three says my father. They glare at eachother. I eat a pea." (Hornbacher 12). I like how you talk about the eating disorder as an obsession. I agree with you and thats a good way to describe it. "Some people who are obsessed with food become gourmet ches. Others get eating disorders." (13). I am really enjoying your book and cant see what else happens to you as a young child just beginning an eating disorder.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Making sure this thing is working