Tuesday, November 13, 2007

post b

This is my response to the first thirty pages of this lovely book. Now i will begin to tell you in great detail and in exactly two hundered and fifty words what the beggining of this book is about. The book is set in the south, my guess is texas. It's a rural town and its probably the late 1800s into the early 1900s. The story opens with a young girl and her family. They are dealing with the sudden loss of her father. The young girls grandfather steps up and moves into the home to become a father like figure to the children and to help the struggling mother out.BUt theres a conflict!!! the mother and the grandfather tend to get into fights and argue all the time about seemingly stupid things! This causes tension to flare. So far this book is really fun full of all sorts of twists and turns. [NOT] So far they've made grits and bacon and described it in too much detail and now are sulking and discussing some herbage. sounds like a great time.
kara out.

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