Tuesday, October 2, 2007

post b my bad

Purging: (v) to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify (p 42).
Tandem: (adverb) one following or behind the other: to drive horses tandem (p 51).


1) One of the appeals in this section of the book is the puberty. Marya begins to got through it and it really triggers the eating disorder. As she compares herself to the smaller girls she feels more and more less like everyone else, and she feels that in her community this is un exceptable. "Becoming a woman means becoming someone dissociated from, and spitefultoward her body. Someone who finds herself always wanting." (p 52).

2) Another appeal is the idea of control and how the disorder did this. The bulimia goes in tandem with the develpoment and by the time the author is 11 she fit the criteria for a bulimic. In previous sections she talks about control but in this section we see by how much it is in control. "My bulimia developed in tandem with my body [...] By the time i was eleven , I met th full diagnostic for bulimia nervosa." (p 51).

3) Again we see the appeal of hunger. Now that the author is getting older, she has differnet hungers. Apparently physical hunger directly relates to appetite hunger. Now that she looks differnent then everyone she feels it too. It makes the author very uncomfortable. "I shrank back from my body as if it were going to devour me." (p 53).


1) " [...] Begin to emulate older women in their lives. [...] keeping their weight down." (p 52). I like this quote because i think it is so true. As a little girl the thing you want most is to be just like your mom or any older women that you look up to. When the author talks about puberty its easier to see how a eating disorder could develop with a mom like she has.

2) "All my life my parents had acted as if childhood should be a state of constantly getting older, When i finaly and irrevorcably began to in fact be older theirs was on that i read as disgust." (p 58). I like this quote because Its also true about life. When your little all your parents can talk about is you gettin older, then once you get there they want you to go back or are dissapointed at how it all turned out.

3) "I would go through the perfunctory motions: washing dishes, going into the bathroom, puking. In the bedroom id stare at the mirror." (p 59). I like this quote alot because she talks about it as if its just something to accomplish like doing chores or washing the dishes.

the theme of this section of the book is again hunger. Marya is hungry for attention, food and to look like everyone else. She is hungry for a sense of normality.

1 comment:

Ryan P said...

Your quotes are done very well. Bulimia is a very scary disease. Maybe you'll get extra credit for doing 3 quotes; you only had to do one.