Tuesday, October 9, 2007

post b

1)REbellion-Throughout this section of the book Marya begans to rebel alot. She gets involved in drugs and drinking nad being skethcy. The people that she surrounds herself with during middle school are nice kids but she choses to hang out with random guys from differnet cities. During this part of the book Marya's friend notices the changes and the changes in her apperance. She is not shcked or scared she is happy. happy that all of her 'hard work' was paying off. She said that maybe she could hang on the edge of death but not go in.

2)Addiction-In this section of the book Marya has many addictions. Marya is addicted to her eating discorder and she is also addicteed to drugs and sexual attention. Marya does these things just as you or i would have our daily routine of showering and eating breakfast

3} the last theme that we see in this section is again back to the theme of control. Mayas addictions to bulimia and drugs along with her need for attetion show how she needs control. When marya binges and the throws up she feels that shes in control. Everything around her is in 'shambles' but she has this secret that can make her feel better and keep her in control of the situation.

Main Entry: ascetism
Part of Speech: n
Definition: asceticism; the condition or practice of self-denial "The sainted anoretics who in their holy acetism , insisted that god was telling them to starve." ( p. 86)

1. Psychiatry. sexual gratification gained through causing pain or degradation to others. Compare masochism.

"The isnomnia gives rise to mania, a racing of thoughts and sadiscially vivid images [...]"(p 87)

ber·serk [ber-surk, -zurk] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. violently or destructively frenzied; wild; crazed; deranged: He suddenly went berserk.
"[...] power over a world gone bersrk." (85)

" I wanted to cut my ties to where id been and who i was and make up someone new" (p 85)
i like this quote because before she talks about edina and she was talking about getting out and leaving and people thinking shes skinny and pretty. I understand where shes coming from. I know that where we live there is a lot of preassure to look great and that means being thin.

So in this section of the book Maryas diseases worsen as she sucked into the bad side and has to go to the hospital and is on drugs.

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