Wednesday, October 24, 2007

post a please

paradox- 1. a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.

symbiosis-lationship between two people in which each person is dependent upon and receives reinforcement, whether beneficial or detrimental, from the other.

"Rather than looking at eating disorders as infantile desire to return to an ex utero symbiosis with the mother its important to note [...]" (p.135) This is important because it shows the aspect of looking back on that all memoirs include. She is reflecting on what she has learned in the future and is noting (pointing out to the reader) something new)

"I did not intend to stopI was not testing the limits[...]" I chose this as an appeal because it shows the denial that one with an addiction may go through . She has been so addictedto her bulimia nad anorexia that she doesnt see it as a problme. The disorder to her is a safety blanket.

[...]There was a desire to throw in the towel at an early age." This shows the harsh realities of an addiction she has been in it so long shes ready to give up and die to b e thing. thats a huge thing to say and very powerful.


"Right down the hall from me lies certainty, comfort but its a comfort that i cannot have anymore." (talking about the bathroom) This is a reflection from her now. She easliy could go to the bathroom every day and vomit but she miuststop herself and be like rewind this is not good. She has to tell herself that the bathroom will lead to death.

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