Thursday, March 13, 2008



The leaves are changing
Plants are dying
School is about to start again
But when I look back on my summer
I remember how fun it has been

Watching movies and staying up late
Going to parties and looking great
Hanging out with friends
And playing outside
Watching my aunt become a bride

How I’ll miss the summer
And getting away from my brother
Riding my pony
Turning 13
And making the cheerleading team

Oh how I’ll miss the summer
With all its joy and fun
Hanging out with friends
And lapping in the Sun.

Kathryn Kwasny

2)I like this poem because it was writen by a young girl discussing her summer and how it would be missed. It was descriptive yet simple.

3)The title is summer. It relates to the poem because the poem is all about this young girls experience with summer.

4)The girl uses repetion and consonance. She repeats oh how i will miss the summer twice to emphassize how much she will miss it. She also uses consonance at the end of lines.

5)The tone of the poem is refelctive but happy. She created this by using a reflected past tense also describing the summer- "watching my aunt become a bride" made me think of a beautiful summer wedding outdoors.


Annie said...

In a way this poem sort of sounds like you since you are social and are a member of the cheeleading team. I like it because it really makes me wish it were summer!

j.Irv said...

It is so freaky how this poem describes your life! I have to wonder whether you wrote it or not. It reminds me of summer too the way she talka about staying up late and having fun with friends. This poem makes me feel like schools starting over again, it captures my back to school feelings exactly.

Kathryn Kwasny said...

I wrote this poem over the summer of 2007, i really am 13. Writing is my life and I have more poems if anyone wants to read them.