Tuesday, February 12, 2008

creative wrting

1. How important is theme in what you write? Does a great piece of literature need to express an idea? Explain your thoughts on the matter using examples from things you've read. In your response, address the opposing viewpoint. (Write at least 100 words.) The theme is very important in any kind of wrting you write. If theres no theme how could you pick the adjectives you use to in your writing. you would have no central idea in your writng and it wouldbe loose ideas strung together by non important information and vauge adjectives. A great piece of literature needs to express and idea because it needs purpose to be relevant. If there were to be a piece of literature with no theme or idea its weak and boring for the reader. The reader would like to know a theme or idea to make them more interested in the novel.

2. What might be a theme that you'd consider communicating through your play. It could be a theme about something that concerns you (think back to what you wrote in your first blog), a theme about something you see socially or politically. It could be a theme about anything else. Write about that theme and why it is important to you? (Write at least 100 words).
The theme in our play is self rightousness. The queen is very good looking and she feels that she is superior and everyoneshould love her. Well this works against her when the moon person decides to turn herinto a frog and send her to live her eternity as a frog on the mooon. A play like this will teach people to be humble and not think they are the best people should think highly of themselves but too much is a problem.

3. What is one conflict you write about in your play. Generate some ideas for conflicts you could write about. This may or may not be connected to potential themes. (Write at least 75 words)
The prince loves the girl but he girl does not notice him so he views from a far. This is a conflict becuse he wants her but she doesnt even know he exsist. and when he does show his affections the girl gives him the cold shoulder and blows him off because she's "so hot". Karma bits her in the butt when the queen learns of her mean actions she sends her to the moon to live her life as a frog.

1 comment:

R. Brady Frost said...

I think theme is very important but at the same time it has its own time and place. If you worry about theme too much in the beginning you could very easily stifle the creative process. I personally find it better to get the basics out first and then mold and work theme through subsequent rewrites and edits.
It isn't until we stand back and look at our piece from the distance that we start to see its grand potential.