Tuesday, February 12, 2008

post a

uppity: (p. 14) affecting an attitude of inflated self-esteem; haughty; snobbish.

resentment: (p.18) the feeling of displeasure or indignation at some act, remark, person, etc., regarded as causing injury or insult.

Figurative language-
"Momma stod there for what seemed like forever, althoughh it was really only a moment, paint dripping off her clothes like icicles off a tree." (p.5) This is an example of a similie because its comparing the paint dripping off of momma to an icicle melting off of a tree.

"I had big chubby cheeks that made my face look like a little roun' pumpkin{...}" (p.7) This is an example of a similie because its comparing her chubby cheeks to a pumpkin.

'He took off out of the court parking lotlike he was rushing to a fire[...]" (p.21) This is an example of a similie because its comparing Mr. Burn's driving out of the court pasrking lot compared to a fire truck speeding to get to a fire.

"He wanted to pay child support and he wanted to be able to see his kids." (p.17) this is a significant quote because it shows how devoted he was at being a dad. This last more in the book. He wants to do these things whihc alot of dads would not want.

A theme i see emerging is stuggling.

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